
Resin Experiments Part 3: Smooth-On resin and ResinObsession resin

20150730_203000Because I love finding new things, once my original resins were used up, I ordered from a couple of companies I haven’t tried yet.

Resin Obsession

First up was Super Clear Resin from the website Resin Obsession, a site where I learned tons about working with resin. While I was at it, I got a flower mold and a pack of toobies (and such great little things they turned out to be!).


toobies! for all your tubing needs

I’ve been happily crafting ever since. All the stuff I got works really well.


Resin Obsession Super Clear Resin

The proprietary Resin Obsession resin is marketed as low-odor and low-bubbling, and it really, really is. You will not really notice the smell, and it’s perfectly okay to use in the room where you sleep (which is where I’m crafting).


Making a Silicone Bracelet Mold: First Attempts (Part 2)

3This is Part 2 of my two-part post on my first attempt at making an original silicone bracelet mold for resin crating. Read Part 1 here.




I de-molded the bracelet after 24 hours. I kind of have mixed feelings about it.

First of all, let me say that the trick I tried, where I put the bracelet on little feet to encase the whole thing in silicone so it doesn’t have a raw edge? TOTALLY WORKS, YOU GUYS.


Check out this edge here. This is the raw edge (where I poured the resin in). This is the edge that normally needs a ton of sanding.


Making a Silicone Bracelet Mold: First Attempts (Part 1)


What I hope to make today. This mold was made by Mandy of the Etsy store Zougeebean. She’s an actual professional.

Continuing my resin experiments, I attempted to make a simple bracelet mold. This is Part 1 of my experiment. Read Part 2 here.

I gotta say: This process was not very pretty. Sorry, it’s hard to take aesthetically pleasing photos of silicone mix.

Enjoy the grittiness- crafting is real!

I should really write a dedicated silicone post. Since starting in this particular crafting direction, I have tried several brands and types of silicone, and there are different aspects of working with each kind (putty vs. liquid, vs. clear liquid) that would be fun to compare and contrast.

But that’s for another time!

For this project, my guinea pig was a clear silicone I bought from Smooth-On, a company that manufactures an astonishing variety of crafting products (I got a resin from them, too).


Sorta-Clear by Smooth-On! They clearly (heh) have a way with brand names 🙂
